Restrict a set of remote commands to execute with ssh+bash+sudo
Sometimes we need to allow some users to remotelly execute commands in a server via ssh, but we want to restrict the commands to execute. There are some solutions around, like restricted shell or wrappers, but we can implement a simply solution using bash and sudo.
The idea is to use the restricted shell functionality in bash. We will simply:
Create a new user for this prupose
Asign it a script that will restrict the $PATH variable
Link there the needed commands (or create scripts that call sudo)
Set asymetric keys in ssh.
Here you have all commands for Linux or AIX, but it will work anyway (except the creation of the user).
<em># You have to set this variables before execute any command
</em><em># ---------------------------------------------------
</em><em># If we will use sudo for commands or only links
<em># User restricted and commands to link or sudo
<em># Remote host where execute commands
<em># final user to execute commands (sudo)
<em># ---------------------------------------------------
case uname
# Add shell script as new user
_ chsec -f /etc/security/login.cfg -s usw -a shells=$(lssec -f /etc/security/login.cfg -s usw -a shells | cut -f 2 -d =),/home/$RESTRICTEDUSER/bin/rbash
mkdir /home/$RESTRICTED_USER/bin
# Create user _ mkuser groups=sshcon maxexpired=-1 loginretries=-1 $RESTRICTEDUSER
# Do not need to change password _ pwdadm -c $RESTRICTEDUSER ;; # At this moment only debian _ Linux) adduser --shell /home/$RESTRICTEDUSER/bin/rbash --disabled-password --no-create-home $RESTRICTED_USER ;; esac
# Create shell script for restricted mode _cat >/home/$RESTRICTEDUSER/bin/rbash <<EOF #!/usr/bin/bash -e **export** PATH=/home/$RESTRICTEDUSER/bin f=\$1 if [ "\$1" != "" ]; then shift exec /bin/bash \$f "\$*" else exec /bin/bash \$* fi EOF chmod +x /home/$RESTRICTEDUSER/bin/rbash
# Configure the commands _if [ **"$USESUDO"** == "yes" ] # Sudoers _ for i in $RESTRICTEDCOMMANDS; do [ "$sudocmd" ] || sudocmd="NOPASSWD:$i" && sudocmd="$sudocmd,NOPASSWD:$i" done sudocmd="$RESTRICTEDUSER ALL=($DESTUSER) $sudocmd" echo "Add this line to /etc/sudoers: '$sudocmd'"
for i in $RESTRICTEDCOMMANDS; do cmdfile=$(basename $i) cat > /home/$RESTRICTEDUSER/bin/$cmdfile <<EOF #!/bin/sh **exec** sudo -u $DESTUSER $i \$@ EOF chmod +x /home/$RESTRICTEDUSER/bin/$cmdfile done
else # Link commands _ ln -sf $RESTRICTEDCOMMANDS /home/$RESTRICTED_USER/bin/ fi
Optionally, in origin server, we create a key and the adapters commands. We can create a common script and link to it the other commands.
<em># Create key
</em>ssh-keygen -i rsa_id
<em># Define commands
</strong>ssh -T -o IdentitiesOnly yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i id_rsa \
$RESTRICTED_USER@$REMOTE_HOST \$(basename \$0) \$@
<strong>for</strong> i <strong>in</strong> $RESTRICTED_COMMANDS; <strong>do</strong>
cmdfile=$(basename $i)
ln -s .$RESTRICTED_USER.$REMOTE_HOST.cmd $cmdfile
Finally we add the public key in destination server
mkdir /home/$RESTRICTED_USER/.ssh
cat > /home/$RESTRICTED_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys <<EOF
<here goes your public key>
Easy, isn't it?